Price of Secrecy is a fictionalised podcast series that addresses some of the legal, social, cultural and familial constraints that contribute to the silence around the issue of child sexual abuse in Iran. At the heart of the series is the question – ‘why, as members of society, are we failing to listen to the victims of child sexual abuse?’. A question that takes the responsibility of breaking the silence away from the victim and introduces it as a social responsibility.
It’s normally available via the messaging app Telegram – a popular home for podcasts in Iran:
Zoha Zokaei is an Anglo-Iranian artist, academic and PhD researcher currently living and working in London. She holds an MFA from Goldsmiths College, University of London and is currently studying for a PhD at the University of Sussex where she was awarded a CHASE scholarship. Her research interests include the following areas: ethics of representation (particularly representing the pain of the other), decentring and problematizing voice, practice as research, storytelling for social change and tactical media.
Price of Secrecy was supported by CHASE (Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England). You can find further episodes and information at the project website.